Basic Road Safety 1

Level: 1
Hours: 50
TCE Credit Points: 5 pts
Recommended Prior Study: No entry requirements
May Lead To: Employment
Campus: Hellyer - Transed, Parklands, Mt Heights

Students will learn how road users should behave and interact, risk factors when driving and causes of crashes. Students will learn the steps on how to get a license.

Pathways to Work 1

Level: 1
Hours: 150
TCE Credit Points: 15 pts
Recommended Prior Study: No entry requirements
May Lead To: Work Readiness 2
Campus: Smithton, Wynyard

Students learn the methods to be successful in gaining employment. They learn the skills needed for job seeking and the workplace that is expected of any new employee. Basic communication, numeracy and ICT skills used in the workplace will be developed.

Creating Connections A

Level: 1/2
Hours: 600
TCE Credit Points: 30+ pts
TCE Skills: Literacy, Numeracy and ICT
Recommended Prior Study: No entry requirements
May Lead To: Creating Connections B
Campus: Hellyer

This course aims to assist young people to engage with education and to identify future employment options.

This is a flexible, connected and supported program. Its primary focus is to provide the skills and behaviours that support students to successfully participate in education and to engage in potential career pathways.

Essential Skills English, Maths and ICT are part of this course. Participation in this program will usually result from nomination by high school staff and with active consultation with parents.

Creating Connections B

Level: 1/2
Hours: 300
TCE Credit Points: 30 pts
TCE Skills: Literacy, Numeracy and ICT
Recommended Prior Study: No entry requirements
May Lead To: Employment
Campus: Hellyer

This is a supportive program for students who require additional focus on literacy, numeracy and ICT development.

Learning opportunities might include work experience and short courses such as First Aid, White Card and RSA and team building excursions. Participation in this program will usually result from nomination by high school staff and with consultation with parents.

Career and Life Planning 2

Level: 2
Hours: 50
TCE Credit Points: 5 pts
Recommended Prior Study: No entry requirements
May Lead To: Enables you to satisfy the TCE requirements for Pathway Planning.
Campus: Hellyer, Parklands, Penguin, Mt Heights, Rosebery, Smithton

This course enables students to locate and use career information and to make career enhancing decisions.

Students learn to build and maintain a positive self-concept and reflect on their study and work options for next year and into the future.

Enterprise at Work 2

Level: 2
Hours: 150
TCE Credit Points: 15 pts
Recommended Prior Study: No entry requirements
May Lead To: Business Level 3, UTAS Connections Program, Entrepreneurship
Campus: Hellyer - CCA, Mt Heights, Penguin

This is a practical course that connects students to enterprises as they learn what it means to be enterprising.

Students will discover their strengths, develop transferrable enterprise skills and gain insight into future job options including self-employment.

Basic Road Safety 2

Level: 2
Hours: 150
TCE Credit Points: 5 pts
Recommended Prior Study: No entry requirements
May Lead To: Employment
Campus: Hellyer (OL and CCA)

Students will learn how road users should behave and interact, risk factors when driving and causes of crashes. Students will learn the steps on how to get a license.

Work Readiness 2

Level: 2
Hours: 150
TCE Credit Points: 15 pts
TCE Skills: Literacy, Numeracy, ICT
Recommended Prior Study: No entry requirements
May Lead To: Further study, Employment.
Campus: Hellyer, Wynyard

This course will help students plan for their future, understand themselves in relation to work, and provide them with the essential skills, knowledge and understandings they require for participation in the rapidly changing world of work.

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