Tasmanian Aboriginal Studies 2

Level: 2
Hours: 150
TCE Credit Points: 15 pts
TCE Skills: Literacy
Recommended Prior Study: No entry requirements
May Lead To: Further study. Career in history, sociology or anthropology.
Campus: Hellyer

Students learn about Tasmanian Aboriginals' deep connection to country and place (past and present), contact with European cultures, cultural practices, and the key groups/clans and individuals that comprise this rich history.

History 2

Level: 2
Hours: 150
TCE Credit Points: 15 pts
Recommended Prior Study
May Lead To: Further study 
Campus: Hellyer

New in 2025

History 2 explores the world from ancient times into the modern era.

In studying ancient history, learners will explore evidence from the past about either:

  • an ancient site
  • a significant historical individual or group
  • an event

In studying history into the modern era, learners will investigate:

  • significant developments that moved us into the modern world
  • how groups and institutions have challenged authority and transformed the world we live in
  • a movement for change in the 20th century

Legal Studies Foundation 2

Level: 2
Hours: 150
TCE Credit Points: 15 pts
TCE Skills: Literacy
Recommended Prior Study: Certificate II in Tourism
May Lead To: Legal Studies 3
Campus: Hellyer

Legal Studies Foundation provides an introduction to the many varied aspects of law - including Consumer Law, Family Law and Employment Law.

Students investigate where the law comes from, how it can be changed, and the role that the police play in our society.

The course supports students to develop critical thinking skills and extend both their written and oral communication skills in order to prepare them for not only Legal Studies 3, but a variety of Level 3 Humanities subjects. 

Ancient History 3

Level: 3
Hours: 150
TCE Credit Points: 15 pts
TCE Skills: Literacy
Recommended Prior Study: Abv-L to Wabv standard (Std-H with consultation) in English
May Lead To: Further study at university level.
Campus: Hellyer

Ancient History enables students to study life in an early civilisation based on the analysis and interpretation of physical and written remains.

It shows how the world and its people have changed, as well as the significant legacies that exist into the present, and gives a context for this interconnectedness of past and present.

It is also concerned with the possible motivations and actions of individuals and groups, and how they shaped the political, social and cultural landscapes of the ancient world.

Geography 3

Level: 3
Hours: 150
TCE Credit Points: 15 pts
TCE Skills: Literacy
Recommended Prior Study: Abv-L to Wabv standard (Std-H with consultation) in English
May Lead To: Further study at university level.
Campus: Hellyer

Geography provides a structured, disciplinary framework to investigate and analyse a range of challenges and associated opportunities facing Australia and the global community.

These challenges include rapid change in biophysical environments, the sustainability of places, dealing with environmental risks and the consequences of international integration.

Modern History 3

Level: 3
Hours: 150
TCE Credit Points: 15 pts
TCE Skills: Literacy
Recommended Prior Study: Abv-L to Wabv (Std-H with consultation) in English
May Lead To: Further study at university level.
Campus: Hellyer

This Modern History course enables students to study the forces that have shaped today's world and provides them with a broader and deeper comprehension of the world in which they live.

The focus of the course is on the larger historical themes that have dominated the twentieth century, individuals, movements, events and ideas that have shaped the contemporary world and key drivers of change.

Legal Studies 3

Level: 3
Hours: 150
TCE Credit Points: 15 pts
TCE Skills: Literacy
Recommended Prior Study: Abv-L to Wabv standard (Std-H with consultation) in English
May Lead To: Further study at university level.
Campus: Hellyer

Legal Studies gives students core knowledge and equips them to describe and assess essential principles, features and institutions of our legal and political systems, and how they operate locally, nationally and in an international context.

The course promotes understanding of the dynamic nature of Australia's liberal democracy, its interactive processes, and the pursuit of equity and justice under the rule of law.

SIT20122 Certificate II in Tourism

Level: 2
Hours: 300
TCE Credit Points: 30+ pts
Recommended Prior Study: No entry requirements
May Lead To: Certificate III in Tourism
Campus: Hellyer 
Delivered by: Department for Education, Children and Young People Registered Training Organisation
RTO Code: 60100

This will suit you, if:
You have an interest in tourism and travel.
This qualification provides the foundational skills and knowledge needed to work in the tourism industry. With this qualification you may be able to complete further training, or work within a range of tourism and travel environments, such as:

  • travel agencies
  • tour wholesalers
  • tour operators
  • attractions
  • cultural and heritage sites
  • small tourism businesses.

You may learn:

  • about the tourism industry including the possible jobs and pathways
  • how to stay safe and healthy in the workplace, including First Aid
  • how to interact with customers
  • how to show social and cultural sensitivity
  • the skills employers value in young workers
  • how to communicate and work with a range of people in the community.

In a typical lesson you might:

  • visit different types of tourist attractions and services
  • gather information about a tourist destination
  • create a file containing media releases about the tourism industry
  • undertake a practical work placement.
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